By: Kayleigh Hamilton

It was an ugly dose of reality for Gavin Newsom.

He had an elaborate gun-grab scheme planned out.

But his plan was exposed and foiled by a judge who took a stand for the Second Amendment.

Gavin Newsom has been trying to raise his national profile in order to set himself up for a presidential run, either in 2028 or perhaps sooner if Joe Biden’s health continues to decline.

One of his key targets in this effort to promote himself has been the right to bear arms, which many progressives believe is dangerous and unnecessary.

Newsom has been trying to strip residents of California of their gun rights for many years now, and he has had some success in this effort.

But many of the laws he has passed have been unconstitutional and have drawn lawsuits from people who want to protect the Second Amendment.

Newsom has been losing ground as these lawsuits continue to pile up in court.

And now Newsom has lost a key battle as a judge has ruled against a key gun control measure that he tried to enact in California.

According to Reuters, “A California law barring the purchase of more than one gun in a 30-day period was struck down on Monday by a federal judge who said it failed a test for state laws laid out in the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling expanding gun rights.

“U.S. District Judge William Hayes sided with a group of California residents, gun retailers and gun rights nonprofits in finding that the one-gun-a-month law did not fit within the nation’s historical tradition of firearms regulation. The law remains in place for now because the judge stayed his ruling for 30 days to give the state time to appeal.”

This is a major blow for Newsom who will now be unable to enforce one of the most draconian gun control laws that he has passed as governor.

The article continues, “The ruling is the latest to deem a state gun law unconstitutional in the wake of the high court’s landmark decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, which dramatically expanded gun rights.”

“The law, which was updated to include more restrictions in 2021 and in 2024, is meant to cut down on straw purchases of guns, in which one person buys a gun for another person who may be legally barred from purchasing it themselves.

“The lawsuit, filed in 2020, alleged the California law violated the 2nd Amendment and the 14th Amendment’s right to equal protection.”

Gavin Newsom is going to have to go back to the drawing board now, as the courts have made it clear that he won’t be allowed to recklessly violate the Constitution.

His image as a national political figure has almost certainly been hurt by this embarrassing loss in a key court case.

Gavin Newsom made a terrible mistake trying to restrict gun purchases, and now he is paying the price for his catastrophic error.