By: Kayleigh Hamilton

America’s troops sacrificed everything for our country, but now they are under attack.

Their rights are on the verge of getting stripped away.

Gun grabbers have put a target on the back of American service members and veterans.

If anyone deserves to have their gun rights protected without being hassled by the government, it’s veterans.

Not only have they made enormous sacrifices for our country, but they are also extremely well-trained in how to handle firearms and can be trusted to do so without interference by the state.

Veterans are quite literally the last group who should have their rights taken away. But they are the number one group that is currently being targeted by the gun control lobby.

Why the gun grabbers are so keen on attacking veterans is anyone’s guess, but that is exactly what is going on right now in the halls of Congress.

If they succeed, it will be nothing short of a catastrophe for veterans who served our country, as they will be stripped of a core constitutional right.

And the battle is on in the federal government between those who think veterans should have gun rights, and those who do not.

According to The Hill, “Congress has created an ‘enormous threat to the safety and well-being of veterans’ by blocking Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reports of mental incompetency from entering the federal background check system, gun reform groups said in a letter to lawmakers this week.”

“The provision in question was part of the $1.2 trillion budget bill passed by the House and Senate last month. Originally introduced as a separate bill by Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), the measure is meant to limit the ability of the VA to stop veterans from purchasing guns.”

Of course, this policy was outrageous from the start. The VA is supposed to be there to help veterans, not to snitch on them and have their guns taken away.

But that was the reality for veterans for quite some time, and now gun control groups are trying to bring back that policy to attack our country’s veterans.

The article continues, “The Brady United Against Gun Violence, Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords, March for Our Lives and 45 other gun reform groups wrote to lead appropriators in the House and Senate on Tuesday urging them to drop the provision — Section 413 — in their next appropriations bill.”

Out of all the fights that the gun control lobby could be fighting at this moment, the fact that they are pouring their time and treasure into this one is extremely telling.

Veterans are not a threat to society. The vast majority of them have never used guns in a harmful way that would require the government to take action.

It’s clear that the people who run these groups have antipathy towards veterans and want to strip them of their rights.

It remains to be seen whether this effort will be successful in Congress, but the fact that the rights of veterans to own guns is in doubt is sickening.