By Anthony Morelli

California’s gun control law may soon be unenforceable.

Gavin Newsom wanted to use law enforcement to crack down on innocent gun owners.

But now he is stunned as those law enforcement officials turned against him.

Gavin Newsom is one of the most committed gun-grabbers in the entire country. He is trying to use gun control to further his political career.

After all, Newsom thinks he is going to be president someday. Some even speculated that he would challenge Joe Biden. And he knows that the Democrat base loves gun control more than nearly anything else.

That’s why he has made California his gun control playground and passed ridiculous laws to restrict people’s rights with no care for the Constitution.

He assumed that law enforcement officers would be loyal to him, since they are public employees and he thinks that he is their boss.

But now things are spiraling for him after a number of these officers decided that his gun control law went much further than what they were comfortable with.

And Newsom is stunned as he is getting slammed by sheriffs in California who oppose his gun control agenda.

According to Bearing Arms, “Newsom’s anti-gun efforts aren’t universally beloved in California, either. Especially Newsom’s carry restrictions that are currently at the heart of a legal challenge.”

The article then links to a story from the Washington Examiner, which reports that “Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, who is concerned about the surge in crime, told Fox News he was relieved the court blocked Newsom’s most recent effort to control gun laws.”

Here is what Bianco had to say: “The fact about everything we’re doing taking away the gun rights and ownership and the [carrying a concealed weapon] aspect of the whole thing, where you can carry and where you can’t, it flies in the face of what they do with criminals.”

Bianco is absolutely right. California has refused to enforce basic laws, such as shoplifting and even certain violent crimes. And yet they have no issue cracking down on peaceful gun owners.

The Bearing Arms article continues, “Obviously, we’re biased here. We don’t favor gun control in any form, especially like California is trying to do; a way where the lawful carry of firearms becomes so impractical as to be nonexistent.

“Yet the criminal element in California has never really bothered with things like laws.”

This is especially true when California has sent the message loud and clear to criminals that they will never be held accountable.

California has given up on trying to keep the people of their state safe by enforcing the most basic public safety laws.

Instead, they are pursuing ideological hobby-horses like gun control in order to please a left-wing base that is becoming increasingly radicalized.

Gavin Newsom is at the forefront of this, as he continues to try to grow his national profile and become the next president.

But he is getting backlash like he never expected from law enforcement, and it could scuttle his gun control plans.