By: Anthony Morelli

American gun rights are under attack by an external force.

This foreign country has filed a lawsuit to strip Americans of their gun rights.

And anti-gunners are cheering on this foreign attempt to eliminate the Second Amendment.

Foreign entities are not supposed to have control over American sovereignty. This country is a constitutional Republic with democratic elections, where the people have a right to choose how they are governed.

That’s why it is so concerning, for example, when the United Nations tries to pass gun grabs like the Small Arms Treaty, which is directly targeted at the United States.

But that is not the only attempt by anti-gun foreign leaders to try to chip away at gun rights here in the United States.

The country of Mexico has now filed a lawsuit against gun manufacturers in the United States, seeking to put them in bankruptcy.

If successful, this would make it much harder to obtain guns in this country, and would be a massive victory for the gun control lobby.

And predictably, the anti-gun left is ecstatic about the possibility of Mexico winning this lawsuit.

Here’s what Slate, a left-wing publication, excitedly wrote about Mexico’s incredibly restrictive gun laws: “I live in a country, the United States, where there are twice as many gun stores as there are post offices, so it kind of blows my mind that just across the border things work like this. To get a gun legally in Mexico? You go through months of background checks. You apply for a temporary permit. And then you go to that military base. When the L.A. Times visited a few years back, the store sold just 38 guns a day to civilians.”

They brought in Champe Barton, an anti-gun “journalist,” to talk about the lawsuit Mexico is filing.

Here is what Barton had to say: “Mexico is suing seven gun manufacturers and one gun distributor. The seven gun manufacturers are manufacturers whose guns most frequently turn up at crime scenes in Mexico. These are some of the biggest gunmakers in America: Colt, Smith & Wesson, Glock, Beretta. Huge names. They’re suing these companies, basically alleging that they have aided and abetted gun-trafficking operations, knowingly, with the intent of profiting off of that market.”

Even Barton, however, was forced to admit later in the interview that there is no proof that this is actually the case, saying: “We can’t say if they have proof yet. You don’t have to prove a case before you bring it.”

In other words, Mexico is bringing a totally unproven case against gun manufacturers before the American court system in an attempt to destroy the gun industry.

And in the process, they are hoping to make it much harder to buy a gun in America.

Gun owners need to take seriously this attempt by a foreign nation to infringe on our constitutional rights.

Mexico has no right to dictate how America is governed. The people of America do, and gun rights should be protected.