By: Anthony Morelli

Gun-hating judges are on the warpath.

They are seeking to undo America’s long history of gun rights.

And one judge just made an extreme anti-gun ruling that will make your jaw drop.

Judges have become so partisan that when a group or agency brings a lawsuit forward about a controversial issue like guns, it can basically engineer whatever result it wants just by getting the right judge.

Many judges are no longer interested in impartially doing their jobs. They see themselves as operatives of their political party and they want to impose their will on society.

This is especially true for left-wing judges, many of whom grew up as members of the elite society and went to expensive and progressive law schools.

They look down on conservatives and gun owners, and would prefer guns to be erased from society completely.

It should be clear to any impartial judge that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, better known as the ATF, engages in unconstitutional activity routinely.

But many judges nowadays sympathize with the ATF and are unwilling to rule against them because they like their anti-gun mission.

According to Bearing Arms, “I know, I know. Why on earth would the state of California and gun control groups like Giffords sue the ATF over the agency’s rule treating many unfinished frames and receivers as if they’re completed firearms? After all, isn’t that what they want? And aren’t Second Amendment organizations suing over the same rule?

“Yes and yes. But the ATF’s new rule doesn’t go far enough for the gun grabbers, since the agency has said that 80 percent frames and receivers by themselves aren’t necessarily considered firearms. Instead, they must be sold with the tools necessary to finish the job in order to be considered firearms. California Attorney General Rob Bonta and the other plaintiffs claim the agency should apply that same designation to unfinished frames and receivers that aren’t sold as part of ‘buy, build, shoot’ kits, and on Monday a federal judge agreed.”

This federal judge not only affirmed the ATF’s unconstitutional rule, but actually ordered the ATF to go even further with their gun grab.

The Courthouse News article linked to by Bearing Arms had this to report: “Senior U.S. District Judge Edward Chen agreed with that argument as it pertains to a portion of the final rule, ‘Example 4,’ which states that a ‘billet or blank of an AR-15 variant receiver without critical interior areas having been indexed, machined, or formed that is not sold, distributed, or possessed with instructions, jigs, templates, equipment, or tools such that it may readily be completed’ is not a receiver.”

This is a classic example of an activist judge who does not like guns.

He made a knee-jerk ruling that he clearly had predetermined once he found out that a gun case was coming before his desk.

Judges like Edward Chen have no interest in actually doing their jobs. They are ideological warriors who want to get guns out of society, and they are using their power to accomplish that mission.