By: Kayleigh Hamilton

Anti-gun judges are revolting against the Supreme Court.

They are going rogue and ignoring the Supreme Court’s orders.

And they are attempting to undo the Second Amendment completely and take away all guns.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land, and the precedents that it sets are supposed to be followed by all lower courts.

When judges or politicians ignore the Supreme Court, it creates a constitutional crisis since the Supreme Court is supposed to be the final interpreter of the law.

However, left-wing judges are becoming bolder than ever about ignoring the Supreme Court and ruling however they want.

The most glaring example of this was in Hawaii where the state-level version of the Supreme Court decided to ignore the Heller decision from 2008 and ruled that gun rights violate the “spirit of Aloha.”

Of course, the Founding Fathers in this country never built a “spirit of Aloha” exception into the Constitution, but clearly that didn’t matter to these judges.

Now, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has done something similar, and there is clearly a movement building nationwide for these state-level judges to unilaterally nullify the Second Amendment.

According to the Associated Press, “A township ordinance that limits firing guns to indoor and outdoor shooting ranges and zoning that significantly restricts where the ranges can be located do not violate the Second Amendment, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.”

“Dougherty, writing for the majority, said Stroud Township’s discharge ordinance ‘is fully consistent with this nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.’ He included pages of examples, saying that ‘together they demonstrate a sustained and wide-ranging effort by municipalities, cities, and states of all stripes — big, small, urban, rural, Northern, Southern, etc. — to regulate a societal problem that has persisted since the birth of the nation.’”

It’s clear that he views firearms as a “problem” that needs to be “regulated,” not a God-given right.

The judge then went on to attack the Supreme Court for defending the Second Amendment, and essentially admitted to ignoring their recent rulings.

Here is what he had to say, according to Slate: “We’re not so sure about the history that was used in Heller and Bruen, and we note some serious skepticism with how the Supreme Court is handling these Second Amendment cases. But we can play amateur historian as well as the next guy.”

Many of these judges are far more interested in imposing their ideology on society than they are in actually doing the job they took an oath to do: defend the Constitution.

They see themselves as activists who are trying to build a gun-free society, and regardless of what the Constitution actually says, they are committed to getting rid of guns at all costs.

Pennsylvania is a state where a significant portion of the population owns guns, and this ruling will negatively impact them.

But that is exactly what the state Supreme Court wants, as they have shown that they are willing to completely ignore the Supreme Court and the Constitution.